
Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Creating a corpus-based teaching material: using COCA

Hello, everyone!

In our recent "Current Issues in ELT" lesson, we learned about what corpus data means. Then, we created a corpus-based teaching material with my classmate, Buse. You can visit her blog page by clicking here.

Our aim was helping to the EFL learners enrolled in a high school in Turkey to comprehend the word "ache" and its collocates. We chose COCA as our corpus data source. Since it is a bit complex website, we prepared a detailed worksheet on Canva which includes the steps for how to use COCA with screenshots. After that, we worked on our corpus-based teaching activities accordingly. The objectives that I would fulfill by using the corpus-based material are as follows:

1) Students will be able to build knowledge on how to use COCA competently.
2) Students will be able to test their knowledge about the term "ache" by building a word web.
3) Students will be able to develop their knowledge of the term "ache" and its collocates via corpus data.
4) Students will be able to practice the term "ache" in different contexts.

The material designing process was both challenging and fun for us, we had to shorten the instructions and change the design. It was fun because working on Canva provides various options as a teacher candidate. If our material was implemented in a real classroom, there would be several possible problems that might occur. These are as follows:

1) Students could have problems with the Internet connection/their computers.
2) Students could have experienced time constraints in completing the activities (since one class hour is approximately forty minutes).
3) Students could have difficulty understanding the instructions we prepared for using COCA.

To sum up, creating a corpus-based teaching material was both an innovative and enjoyable experience for me. I find the integration of corpus data into classroom activities very beneficial for both students and teachers. 

That's all from me for now. Take care, see you soon! 💜

Before you leave, you can take a look at our "Using COCA" and "What do you know about 'ache'?" sheets.

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